Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lab 14: Titration Lab

 Summary: In this lab we performed a titration in which we found the molarity of an acid by the amount of base that it took to neutralize the acid. It was a very frustrating lab since a little too much base would cause the experiment of completely go awry. It was an interesting lab and I liked the stirring thing.

Why is the percent ionization such a low number?
The percent ionization is such a low number because acetic acid is a weak acid and therefore does not fully ionize. Therefore most of the H+ protons stay connected and do not bond with water to form hydronium. The percent ionization was 0.46%.


Trial 1
Trial 2
Volume of NaOh used
24.4 mL
23.7 mL
Volume of of Acid used
7 mL
7 mL
pH of Acid
Molarity of Acid
0.871 M
0.846 M
Molarity of Base
0.250 M
0.250 M

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