Monday, July 20, 2015

Lab 1A: Density Block Lab

With the Density Lab we had to work backwards. Instead of using volume and mass to find the density of an object . Instead we used density and volume to get the mass of a plastic block. The purpose of the lab was to see if we could get an accurate estimate of the mass just by knowing the density and the volume .
Measure the block length, width, and height to find the volume of the cube.
  1. Gather materials which are a ruler with mm markings and a block with the density labeled on the block.
  2. Measure the length, width, and height to find the volume. The equation for volume is length x width x height = volume
  3. Multiply volume by the density to find estimated mass
  4. Weigh block to find exact mass
  5. Find the percent error by using the percent error equation
  6.  Observe and Record Data
Density Equation on top density triangle in middle percentage error equation on bottom

Type of Data
Data Amount
Calculated (Experimental) Mass
84.8 g
Actual Mass
85.1 g
Percentage Error
3.25 cm
2.45 cm
7.5 cm
59.7 cm3
1.42 g/cm3
Conclusion: My conclusion is that you can calculate mass with density and volume fairly accurately but there mus be accurate measurements  done to come to the amount of mass. It is important to use the proper significant figures, as well as to look carefully at measurements. Also measurements will almost never be completely 100% correct, but they can be close.

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