Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lab 12: Alka Seltzer and the Ideal Gas Law

Summary: Today in class we learned about gasses and how the move and act in certain environments. In this experiment we found the data needed to find the ideal amount of gas in the balloon and the actual gas. This showed the ideal gas law is ideal in that all gas occupy's a certain area completely.

Analysis Questions:
1. Some mistakes that could have occurred are not having an accurate volume of how much space the carbon dioxide took up, as well as not all carbon dioxide going into the balloon.

2. The amount of carbon dioxide in the water could affect the amount of atoms of carbon dioxide and therefore the amount of moles or n making n too small.

3. The volume of the balloon is 1072.67 mL.

4. The difference between the volume obtained by filling the balloon minus the answer from #3 is 6.33 mL. Which is fairly close, however I think that the volume obtained by filling the balloon was more accurate because the balloon is not a perfect sphere, so measuring it by by filling it with water you get a more accurate volume because the water takes up the actual space inside the balloon.

5. The difference between ideal gas and real gas is ideal gas occupies one space alone, and none of it would dissolve in water or somehow be released, but real gas would.

6. No, because not all of the gas was present in the balloon when we found out the grams in the balloon.

Advanced Questions:
1. The amount of gas that should be collected in total from 3 tablets of Alka Seltzer is 2.06 grams of carbon dioxide.

2. The percent yield of the sample of carbon dioxide collected was 93.7%.

3. Some of the carbon dioxide would have dissolved in the water making the actual amount of moles slightly less than the theoretical amount of moles.


Mass of Alka Seltzer Powder
9.14 grams
Circumference of Balloon
39.9 cm
Volume of Water that fits in Balloon
1079 mL
Room Temperature
20 °C
Barometric Pressure
759.2 mmHg
CO2   Pressure
741.2 mmHg
Moles of CO2 in Balloon
0.0437 moles of CO2
Mass of CO2
1.93 grams

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